Olympic shop opened in Moscow

At the beginning of October in Moscow, on Red Square, was opened Olympic shop-first of 8 000 which are planned to be opened along whole country. Hit sales are light gloves with the fingers in colours of Olympic rings and additional gloves without fingers with flags of countries participants.

Since 1936, when the decision was made to introduce Olympic uniforms, the appearance of sportsmen became the question of state image, serious way of showing the status in the world. Countries who have paid attention on fashion invited teams of famous designers: for example, French were dressed by Pierre Cardin ad Yves Sain Laurent, Italian sportsmen- Giorgio Armani, and British Stella McCartney.

For Soviet Union it was very sensitive question of Olympic uniforms. According to the look of delegation of USSR, world judged about life standard behind iron curtain. It is expected that Russian national team on next Olympic games in Sochi will stay faithful to its red-blue-white scheme, but the design and materials stay unknown so far.

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